The holidays are over. We have once again settled into our regular hum-drum existances and a trip to the mall is no longer the cause of a major anxiety attack. Parking lots, for the most part, are easy to access with plenty of spaces for all.
So, let's just go over some basic etiquette, shall we?
#1: You know those really close spots? The ones right by the entrances, I'm not referring to the Handicap parking (though really, the perfectly able individuals I see parking there just because they happen to have the sticker on their car is really a piss off. If you don't have the handicapped individual WITH you, you do NOT have a right to that spot) I'm referring to the latest innovation of "family friendly malls": the New or Expectant Mother spots/Parent or Grandparent parking. See these spots are designed to make it a little easier on pregnant gals lumbering along with their massive bellies and swollen ankles and for harried moms and their kids trek through the parking lot with all the assorted kid gear a bit safer. So, to the dude with the massive gut that most likely is a result of too much beer and pizza and NOT a miracle of modern science, get the HELL out of that spot!!!
#2: Parking space stalkers...get off my ass!! I do not appreciate being tailed through the lot by a slow moving vehicle, just waiting to pounce on my spot. It makes me feel like I'm about to be arrested or something.There are lots of spaces out there, go find one and stop bugging me.
#3: Parking space dawdlers, when you have reached your car get in, put on your belt and get the FUCK out!! I do not appreciate having to wait while you fluff your hair, reapply lipstick, search in your purse for a mint, or make a phone call. All of this should have been done previous to entering your vehicle or once you reach your new destination just before you get out of the car again. And when you do FINALLY choose to back out, BACK OUT!! Don't back out part way, pull back in, turn the wheels, try again, etc etc etc...this just gets the blood boiling of whoever would like your spot OR if that person was stupid enough to wait for you to back out before proceeding out of the lot. It isn't rocket science to back out of a parking spot so if this is an issue for you, STOP DRIVING!!
Thank you for your time and happy shopping :)